Competition is aggressive in the telecom industry, with organizations vieing for customer loyalty and market share. Clients are very demanding and want the latest, technologically advanced and customized solutions & services at a competitive price with quick turnarounds.
As telcos attempt to develop a set of platform-based services for "two-sided" business models (selling to customers upstream in the delivery chain as well as to the end consumer) they need to understand that sustained revenues from any specific upstream customer requires an understanding of how that customer's needs are likely to change over time.
technologia™ being a fully owned subsidiary of Etisalat understands the needs of the business and end customers. We have End-to-End capabilities, in-depth experience and the requisite capabilities for catering to the requirements of both greenfield and brownfield operators.
At technologia™, there is a constant focus on improvising the processes and methodologies which enhance the value propositions to our customers. The primary focus of the organization is to deliver turn-key solutions in BSS/OSS arena.
Integrated Telecom